Some of the areas of research will be long-term projects and continue over several years. The reviews and analyses are either conducted by the Agency’s own employees, or with the help of external researchers, depending on what is considered most appropriate for the specific topic.

In addition to the prioritised areas in the analysis plan, the Agency can also initiate and undertake spontaneous reviews and analyses, if they are deemed justified.

The Agency board of directors makes the decisions regarding the plan. The areas of analysis that are to be prioritised are determined by the following principles:

  • There must be clear potential for improvement.
  • The area must be insufficiently illuminated.
  • The Swedish Agency for Health and Care Services Analysis must, owing to its independent position, be better suited than others to conduct an analysis or review for objective reasons.
  • The analysis must be able to generate  recommendations for the Swedish government.

Read the Analysis plan (in Swedish)

Publicerad: 27 oktober 2017
Senast uppdaterad: 23 april 2024